Every newsroom I've occupied in the last dozen years has seen a greater (and almost always better) relationship between editorial and advertising departments. In professional and responsible organizations there is a healthy, mutual respect for what each contributes, and I could count on one hand the challenges of managing that relationship out of hundreds of opportunities where it could have gone sideways. Before those discussions took place, there was too much unnecessary acrimony, hypothesizing of motives and plain old misunderstanding of functions and complexities of the roles. Today we all understand better what the other parts of the puzzle contribute.
A number of places still hold sacrosanct an impenetrable wall between the two principal units of media, and Forbes.com is pointing in a new article to the gradual commingling of common interests in news organizations, in some cases with commitment and in others sheer compliance. It's a relatively positive piece on how many newsrooms are working with "the enemy within" and finding the collisions are not nearly as serious as one might expect.