The Atlantic has written a eulogy for Twitter. Adrienne Lafrance and Robinson Meyer believe the social media platform has entered its twilight. People are still signing on, but they're not using it as much. It's the treehouse club that never was, and people are moving on, they write.
Over at LinkedIn, the developments involve a greater commitment to publishing. Quartz surmises the platform is moving from a social network to an online newspaper. Leo Mirani writes that LinkedIn wants users to read their feeds each morning, as they typically do at Facebook or Twitter.
While we're on the topic of morphing, the former editors of The New York Times and Wall Street Journal (for that matter, Washington Post) talk about the direction of journalism and of their ex-organizations to Politico's Susan Glasser. In particular, former NYT executive editor Bill Keller says the Times is not going to become BuzzFeed.