Media and Management: Ideas on new directions
Adbusters: The Canadian -based anti-globalization publication
American Press Institute: Management resources and the Newspaper Next project
John Battelle's Searchblog: The fine look at conversational media
Big Journalism: The wide-ranging site on media founded by Andrew Breitbart
Bloggasm: Simon Owens on media and change
Borrell Associates: A venerable research firm with resources on its work online
The Buttry Diary: The consistently strong blog from the digital transformation editor of Digital Media
Buzzmachine: Jeff Jarvis' provocative thoughts about media and strategy
Canadian Association of Journalists: The Canadian organization for editors and reporters
Jim Carroll: One of the brightest minds on the direction of new media
Center for Citizen Media: Dan GIllmor, a veteran onliner, spearheads a site encouraging community journalism
Center for Media Research: The exceptional site with abstracts and full reports on media trends
ClickZ: The digital media research clearinghouse
Columbia Journalism Review: The venerable print and online publication about media
Common Sense Journalism: A blog from University of South Carolina journalism instructor Doug Fisher
comScore: The standard-bearer for site metrics
Contagious: Magazine on online marketing trends
Content Bridges: Ken Doctor on the connection between old and new media
Contentious: Amy Gahran's active look at interactive media
Conversational Media Marketing: Paul Chaney's routinely strong blog on social media The definitive news and information site on digital journalism
Cybersoc: Robin Hamman, ex-BBC, ex-Headshift, now Edelman, on social media
Daily Briefing: The Project for Excellence in Journalism provides a good summary of media news
The Dissenter: A blog on civil liberties and digital freedom
Doubleclick: An insightful research firm on online media, with access to many of its reports
The Earl Blog: The CEO of the International Newsmedia Marketing Association on the business
EatSleepPublish: The archived home of the blog on publishing
Econsultancy: A site focused on digital marketing
Edison Research: Resources primarily in radio and music, but also in U.S. politics
The Editors Weblog: A World Editors' Forum initiative for editors to exchange ideas and views
Electronic Frontiers Canada: Primarily news, but also strong information on media directions
Etaoin Shrdlu: The blog for McClatchy news editors and others to discuss newsroom change
Folio: The online news site about the magazine business
FollowTheMedia: A strong site of free and subscription-based news on the media
Forum4Editors: A site adjoining the International Newspaper Marketing Association
Freedom of the Press Foundation: U.S. organization dedicated to investigation and transparency
Friends of Canadian Broadcasting: The media site for the Canadian broadcasting advocacy organization
GarciaMedia: The design-savvy media observations of Mario Garcia
Gawker: The massive news and gossip site with its share of trend information
Michael Geist: The Internet and intellectual rights expert with no shortage of media insight
James Gleick: The author of Faster offers insights into technological impact
Roy Greenslade: The blog for the Guardian's respected media writer
iFOCOS: The institute for a connected society
Innovations in Newspapers: Newsroom management and other resources
Interactive Marketing Blog: A strong roundup on marketing, media and advertising trends
International Center for Journalists: A few resources for newsroom management
Investigative Reporters and Editors: The IRE and its resources on reporting and newsrooms
Invisible Inkling: Ryan Sholin on the future of newspapers, online and journalism education
IWantMedia: A daily package of media news and information The aggressively updated blog from the veteran media watcher
Steven Johnson: The founder's blog on media
The Journalism Iconoclast: New media journalist Pat Thornton's j-blog
Journalism News: A sharp site of links to news, blogs and resources on the news
Journalism UK: Resources and a blog from its editors
Journalistopia: Danny Sanchez of the Orlando Sentinel spreads new techniques and tools
Journerdism: Will Sullivan's work on media and tech news
J-Source: The most definitive Canadian resource for media
The Kelsey Group: A research firm with resources on local media
Knight Digital Media Center: Resources and seminars on new media management The wide-ranging liberal arts blog with much to say about media
Howard Kurtz: The venerable media commentator for the Washington Post and CNN
Lost Remote: A blog about the future of local media
Mashable: The omnibus site on social networking news
MasterNewMedia: A terrific skills-building site with a lot of sage observation from Robin Good
McLuhan: The official site of the still-ahead-of-his-time Canadian mass communication scholar
MediaAccess: The U.S. organization fighting media concentration
MediaBeesWax: A blog aggregating news about media change
MediaBistro: A daily package on news and information with access to career help
The Media Blog: British site particularly focused on British media
The Media Business: Economist Robert Picard's sage observations on the news industry
Media Curmudgeon: Charles Warner's musings on the good, bad and mainly ugly media
Media Decoder: The New York Times' team of media writers and their timely blog
MediaFile: The Reuters blog on media and technology
MediaGazer: The incessantly updated look at media news
Media Guardian: The robust media content from the Guardian newsroom
Media In Canada: A subscription-required media news site
Mediaite: A broadly based site reporting on all things media
MediaMemo: Peter Kafka's topical blog for AllThingsDigital
MediaPost: A subscription-required site with links on media trends
MediaShift: PBS' Mark Glaser assembles digital media innovations and their impact
MediaWire: The Poynter Institute's daily package of news and information on the press
/Message: Stowe Boyd's astute observations on media
Metafilter: A massive clearinghouse of media content
Micro Persuasion: Edelman's Steve Rubel on technology and its impact on communications
Mindy McAdams: A leading journalism professor's blog on the direction of media
M:Metrics: A research firm on mobile media
Monday Note: A weekly (yes, on Monday) look at media, tech and business models
New Media Bytes: A look at the evolving state of digital journalism
Newspaper Innovation: A daily blog on free newspapers worldwide
Newspapers Canada: The site of the Canadian metropolitan and community newspapers
NewsTechZilla: A new site examining the commingling of technology and journalism Its role is to examine the presentation of online video in journalism
Nieman Journalism Lab: The excellent resource on change from Harvard's Nieman Foundation
The Next Web: A strong technology site with regular content on digital media
NPR's On The Media: The U.S. radio show, podcasted, on the conventional and new media
Online Journalism Blog: Paul Bradshaw's wide-ranging team and its posts on digital reporting
Online Journalism Review: The revived examiner of digital reporting
Organization of News Ombudsmen: International group of ombuds, public editors and standard-bearers
O'Reilly's Radar: Extremely savvy technology watcher oversees a blog on the direction of digital
Steve Outing: The sage voice at Editor & Publisher Magazine on media trends A fortified site examining the economics of content
PJNet:The site for the Public Journalism Network, full of citizen-generated content and ideas
PoMo Blog: Terry Heaton's prolific thoughts on post-modern media
The Poynter Institute: The think-tank with resources galore to ponder the future
Press Gazette: The U.K. publication on the press
PressThink: The longtime blog and site from NYU's Jay Rosen
Richard Prince's Journal-isms: A strong look at diversity in journalism
Project for Excellence in Journalism: A wide-ranging resource for journalists from the Pew Center
The Readership Institute: The newspaper think-tank advocating the Learning Newsroom
ReadWriteWeb: Keeping up with blogging techniques and software
Recovering Journalist: Mark Potts on the media
Reflections of a Newsosaur: A blog of increasing concern about the extinction of responsible media
Regret The Error: Craig Silverman chronicles the many mishaps of the daily miracles of journalism UBC's Alfred Hermida on media, society and technology
Ricochet: Chrys Wu's sophisticated blog on online news and media change An advocacy group aimed at new business models with a strongly argued blog
SFN Blog: The Shaping the Future of Newspapers blog from the World Association of Newspapers
Clay Shirky: The NYU professor's strong blog on media
The Joan Shorenstein Center: The Harvard-based media and policy think-tank with several resources
Society of Professional Journalists: The venerable U.S. organization's network of blogs
Society of Professional Journalists Code: The venerable U.S. organizations's code of ethics and best practices
Jeff Sonderman: The Poynter Institute's digital leader's blog
State of the News Media: The annual report on the functional state of U.S. media
Techmeme: A terrific aggregator of technology news
Temple News: A blog on media from former Rocky Mountain News publisher and editor John Temple
USC Annenberg Center for the Digital Future: Its annual Internet survey is must reading
The Verge: The media site with an emphasis on technology
Visual Editors: A site that examines the latest in design and other visual journalism
Erik Wemple: The veteran journalist's media blog at the Washington Post
Tim Windsor: A regular contributor of smart stand-back insight on media direction
Dave Winer: His Scripting News blog, a decade-plus old now, is a respected source
Wordyard: The media blog from Salon founder and author Scott Rosenberg
World Editors Forum: The international print media association on trends in newsrooms
Xark: The cerebral and occasionally visceral look at media and communications
Steve Yelvington: An online pioneer on the direction of media