Diversions: Killing time instead of directing media
77 Million Paintings: The Brian Eno site featuring a permanently changing image
Billboard: The music industry magazine that employed me for nine years
Click Mazes: Strange as it sounds, this is a very compelling diversion for many people
The Colbert Report: Stephen Colbert's satirical take on the political show
Comics.com: Daily cartoon strips from United Media
Crossword Puzzles: A daily free crossword from Australia
The Daily Show: Jon Stewart's award-winning fake news show, with a full archive of material
Friday Morning Quarterback: Music and radio are highlighted in this venerable magazine
Goaltending Tips: The only indulgent site anywhere on this one, from the Bertagna school of keeping
Granta: Not a short diversion, but a worthy and lengthy one
I.Q. Test: When you want a diversion, this will do the trick
Last.FM: The fine music site that matches your tastes with others' tastes
The Late Show with David Letterman: Still the standard-bearer on late-night amusement
Mojo: The most literary of the music magazines
New York Times Crossword: From their archives, a weekly puzzle
The Onion: The standard-bearer in the satirical press
Pandora Internet Radio: The omnibus site for free radio online
Pitchfork: The best resourced alternative music site
Q Magazine: Some of the best-written music journalism
Solitaire: Free solitaire and other games
Sudoku: Lots of levels of play here
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno: Still the standard-bearer on late-night amusement
Trivia: Lots of quizzes and trivia games online