Techcrunch is supplying details of the annual State of the Blogosphere report coming any day now from Technorati. It surveyed 1,079 bloggers and extrapolated to determine there have been 122 million blogs indexed since 2002. About 1.5 million bloggers have updated in the last week (nice to know it's still a relatively small club) and 7.5 million have done so in the last four months.
Technorati also examines the economics of blogging. The mean investment is $1,600 and the mean return is $6,000 annually (I think we'd like an audit on that number). Those with more than 100,000 unique visitors earn about $75,000 annually --- a surprisingly high total (reality check, please).
Who are the bloggers? They skew male, high education and high income. So, they're not kids in pajamas in the basement, to use one stereotype.
The vast majority write about personal interests (79 per cent) and nearly half (46 per cent) write about their professional interests (meaning the two overlap). Some 12 per cent call themselves corporate bloggers.
Who reads them? According to comScore, 77.7 million Americans monthly.
Technorati will release data all week on the findings.