Year to year, fewer (44% vs. 60%) believe the print media sphere will shrink, 40% believe newer forms will furnish a good media landscape, and while more than 40% still believe online media could harm standards, the tone of the report is acceptance (nearly half believe their newspapers will eventually be digital only) and adaptation (9% expect advertising revenue will continue to decline).
Indeed, nearly half noted their roles are busier because of new media demands, 30% say they are working longer hours and 28% said they had less time to research stories. But only one-fifth believe standards have declined and only one-sixth liked their jobs less as a result.
Interestingly, as the effort to create mobile content has grown, the effort at such initiatives as blogs and videos has started to taper --- an indication of trade-offs in the growth of digital.
Nearly one-quarter of those surveyed had adopted or were considering paywalls or subscription models to strengthen revenue.