The Washington Post is attempting real-time fact-checking with the launch of TruthTeller, underwritten by the Knight Foundation as a journalism tool to extract content from political video and apply an algorithmic test to the veracity of the script. Essentially, it links what was said with what was earlier fact-checked. The Post acknowledges there is work to be done on the application and is encouraging users to help fine-tune it.
Martin Belam, writing for GigaOm, challenges the notion that adopting the Facebook plug-in (or abandoning it) is the determinant of a civil, worthwhile online comment environment. Some news organizations have recently pulled away from the Facebook authentication of identity. Belam writes: "There’s no doubt that software design and features do influence community behaviors, but not as much as decent community management and personal engagement from journalists does."
Lewis DVorkin writes for on the emerging personal brands of journalists and how that is changing the role of financial reporting. He particularly notes the value of participation in social media and the importance of audience engagement.