The CBS 60 Minutes/Benghazi controversy shows little signs of subsiding. CBS News now says it is conducting a more thorough review of practices that permitted the program to feature a now-thoroughly-discredited source as its main subject in a segment on the attack. And Nancy Youssef, writing from Cairo for the McClatchy news service, has an extensive look at the questionable conduct of CBS in relying on Dylan Davies, the British security contractor, for an eyewitness account that proved to be fabricated. Among other things, she questions why CBS determined Al Qaeda was responsible for the 2012 attack when there is limited evidence to that effect.
Jeff Sonderman and Millie Tran have created a report for the American Press Institute that explains the development of sponsored content (native advertising, as it is also known). Their white paper looks at the opportunities for news organizations in it, some business models, how to manage the risks to standards and ethics, and some unanswered questions. Their report paints a largely positive picture, with some reservations about the need to keep clear the source of the content.
Matt Schiavenza, writing for The Atlantic, examines China's increased suppression of foreign correspondents and the difficulties for reporters to operate in the country. They face authorities who refuse to grant visas or threaten expulsion.