The newspaper, or at least its content and services in print or digital form, continues to be in demand among millennials. Recent research in the United States indicated 57 per cent of those under 30 are reading the print or digital work of a newspaper weekly. NetNewsCheck writes about the trust in the newspaper content, even though in many cases it is consumed through mobile or online platforms.
Eliza Kern, writing for paidContent, examines the approach LinkedIn takes to content (lots of it, designed to stimulate repeat consumption among a relatively small user base of 225 million) and how that yields important data that serves its other functions of career advertisements and premium membership fees.
Craig Silverman, writing for Poynter, looks at new research that helped identify with 97-per-cent certainty false images on Twitter. The research, in looking at the way fake content spreads and our susceptibility to it, identifies best practices for verification. It is expected there will soon by automated ways to determine authenticity of imagery.