The CEO of Twitter believes newsrooms aren't utilizing his service nearly enough. USA Today reports Dick Costolo says editors should be synthesizing and analyzing Tweets to make sense of them for readers. He told an American Society of News Editors conference that Twitter complements the newsroom and that it has no ambition to be a media organization. It's more like a town square, he says.
As the Twitter chief is telling traditional media how to use it, so is Instagram instructing media how its new video feature can be used. On its new Instagram for Business blog on Tumblr, the service identifies three ways in which news organizations are using it: crowd-sourcing, going where the action is, and sharing breaking news.
Kylie Davis, writing for the International Newsmedia Marketing Association blog, identifies six common errors media are making with big data in its journailsm. Among them: that it's expensive, that it's best applied in breaking news circumstances, that a newsroom doesn't have time to learn how to use it, that it requires IT and software expenditures, that newsrooms don't have data, and that it is necessary to do everything for itself.