Google has agreed to help finance a media fund to help develop a wider presence for French media on the Internet. Reuters reports the agreement will see Google contribute 60 million euros (more than $80 million) over three years into the fund. Google was being pressed by French publishers to pay fees to list headlines and snippets in search engine results. While this deal is novel, it avoids what would have been a game-changing arrangement if the search engine were paying link-related fees. The Monday Note reports that the deal will also establish a wider relationship between Google and French publishers, parties that have mutually distrusted one another.
News organizations, ever watchful of ways to monetize online traffic, are bound to be watching Ars Technica as it brings forward a predictive platform Adweek touts can capitalize on stories about to trend aggressively. Many media have found it difficult to monetize a suddenly successful story with distinct related advertising.
The public editor of The New York Times laments the loss of talent at the news organization through its voluntary buyout program. Margaret Sullivan says it's easy to assert that employees can be replaced, harder to argue against the institutional memory and unique contributions people make.