John McDuling, writing for Quartz, explains the "simple, brilliant logic" behind the expensive acquisition of DirecTV by A T & T in the United States: the company is in the race to be America's first full-fledged Internet TV service. While the $48.5-billion deal has its detractors, A T & T believes it can negotiate better deals with programmers and then deliver their content across a range of platforms.
Jihii Jolly, writing for the Columbia Journalism Review, looks at the pro's and con's of the increased use of algorithms by news organizations to optimize the audience's experience. On the one hand, readers are served what they are likely to like most readily; on the other, it takes away serendipitous discovery of things you never thought you'd enjoy.
Mathew Ingram, writing for GigaOm, looks at the spread of country-withheld content by Twitter. While it is true that governments' selective use of Twitter's ability to block certain Tweets, Ingram concludes the approach is simply censorship packaged in another wrapper.