Mark Potts is one of the most lucid online media writers, and he's created a three-part manifesto-like diagnosis and prescription for the newspaper business.
He's combined the resource here, but if you're looking for the absolute short-form version of the route to more success, it involves:
1. Innovating.
2. Engaging the audience.
3. Aggregating.
4. Getting hyperlocal.
5. Stopping the coverage of the wider world.
6. Doing video.
7. Using technology (personally).
8. Mining data.
9. Putting ad sales teams to work.
10. Educating advertisers.
11. Researching efforts before launching them.
12. Stopping the pasting of ads for display online.
13. Explosring new revenue streams.
14. Trying new things as if your life depending on it.
15. Killing the print edition.
16. Getting some guts.