If you haven't had a chance to absorb Jeff Jarvis' What Would Google Do?, take a moment and go through the attached PowerPoint presentation as a taste of the book.
I reviewed the book recently for The Vancouver Sun and some of our chain's newspapers distributed the review, but I recently re-read parts of it and came away further impressed with its foresight.
While Jarvis can be a bit over-certain of his position on the newspaper industry --- I just don't think things are as grim as he portrays --- many of his approaches to open-sourcing content and the link economy are vital elements of any discussion today on digital media. All of us can learn from him.
Jarvis has been taking a bit of a ribbing on charging for the book and not making a free version available. He's been pulling bits of it into his Buzzmachine blog, but this is a better representation of the ideas. Essentially here he's doing what Google would do.