A new outlet for international news will sprout up early next year: Global News.
To Canadians, this will seem a little strange, in that we have had a Global News for three decades in our little old country (declaration: I work for Canwest, Global's parent firm), but the premise is for 70 correspondents in 53 countries. As long as the 52 others don't have Global News, I suppose it's feasible.
The co-founders are New Englanders, one who ran a cable news firm and the other who was a correspondent abroad for the Boston Globe. They seem intent on creating a daily file of dispatches. Clearly, as some media pull away from international coverage, something can step into the breech and offer service. Their online prospectus appears to offer a great deal for the multimedia world, but it's difficult to know how 70 correspondents can provide both breaking news and analysis stretched across the world. Perhaps the analysis, but breaking news requires an army. And there's no sense, yet, of the business model --- pay for use, subscription, or other underwriting.
A domain name is forthcoming. Hint: Global News is largely taken.