What determines a newspaper's slant? The owner? More likely, the community, says a study by economists Mathew Gentzkow and Jesse Shapiro. If a paper serves a liberal community, it is bound to be liberal; a conservative community gets a conservative paper, they found. The New York Times' new data and context feature, The Upshot, reports on the study today.
Since she fronted an errant report on the Benghazi compound attack, 60 Minutes' Lara Logan has been off the air. Joe Hagan of New York Magazine writes about the dilemma for CBS with one of its marquee journalists. Hagan, in particular, wonders if she is too toxic to ever return to the newsmagazine.
A new image hosting service, Izitru, gives journalists new tools to authenticate an image, or at least to reduce the likelihood of a doctored image. It can distinguish how an original JPEG might have been manipulated through successive handoffs. Craig Silverman writes on the service for Poynter.