If you live in Canada, you have to bear with perceptions often groomed below the border. Case in point: The economics of the newspaper.
The economic convulsion in the U.S. newspaper industry hasn't hit Canada in quite the same way.
New data released Monday by the Canadian Newspaper Association points to a 2.4 per cent decline in revenue for print and 29 per cent online revenue growth, meaning the overall picture was down about 0.8 per cent in 2007. Total revenue reached $3.576 billion in the year.
In the U.S., of course, the numbers are much worse --- a 9.4 per cent decline in newspaper revenue. And the online growth was about 18.8 per cent, meaning the decline was sharper and increase duller.
The CNA report can be found through its site on a PDF file.
Updated Tuesday: A Canwest News Service story is here, and a Forbes.com item looking at how newspapers below the border might weather the storm is here.