Michael Wolff pulls few if any punches as a media columnist. In conversation, no different. Digiday transcribes some of his observations at a discussion with the president of Hearst Magazines. Among them: online journalism will not pay for itself, print has been given up too soon, and the new ventures by journalists who want to be entrepreneurs will falter.
Felix Salmon, writing for Politico, approaches this a little differently. He sees the rise of data-driven journalism as a healthy, positive sign for the craft. The wonkish world is small but extremely dedicated and loyal, it expands the scope of journalism, and it appeals to digital natives, he says.
Stephen Buckley, writing for Poynter, provides some insight into a weekend session held by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar about his new First Look Media firm and its direction. Omidyar brought the new employees and some others together to chart the course a little and discuss the possibilities a lot. Some of the takeaways Buckley could disclose (the session was closed, so reporting on it was restricted by mutual agreement): it's a bit early to find the focus, there will be plenty of publications, it'll be aimed at a mass audience and at both problem-pointing and problem-solving.