Starting today, American Airlines is the first domestic airline to offer in-flight Internet access on long-haul excursions. Delta will soon offer Internet service across part of its fleet.
Some things we will want to use this service for:
1. To alert your spouse you left the stove on.
2. To tell the office we've left behind that they're still being watched on Webcams.
3. To e-mail your boss in First Class.
4. To watch your son's baseball game on streaming video.
5. To download music that will be much better than what the airline is playing.
6. Ditto, a movie.
7. To Twitter about the impending arrival of the onion-salt-laced bits and bites.
8. To e-mail your seatmate to stop reading your business plan on your laptop.
9. To e-mail the person in front to raise the seat so you can see your e-mail on your laptop to the seatmate.
10. To play Solitaire online instead of offline.