Russia has ordered bloggers with more than 3,000 daily unique viewers to register, outlawed anonymous blogging, and stepped up its efforts to thwart certain social media by, among other things, asserting control over the country's largest social network. Glyn Moody, writing for TechDirt, notes it is difficult for the West to criticize given recent revelations of its own surveillance efforts.
Americans now spend more media time online than offline. A new report from eMarketer indicates 43.4 per cent of media time is spent online. For the first time, that eclipses the offline (TV, print, radio) time. Bill Cromwell, writing for Media Life, reports the online growth is lately attributable principally to mobile.
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has announced a process to deal with access to the Internet's bandwidth. New rules will be in place by the end of the year. Many observers see this as the end of net neutrality, including The New Yorker and GigaOm, but the FCC chairman posts on his blog otherwise.