Is there a relationship between winning a Pulitzer Prize and retaining (maybe even growing) newspaper readership? Nate Silver, in his newly refurbished FiveThirtyEight perch, studies the issue and concludes it is difficult to conclude anything about the relationship between quality and sales. Pulitzers are won by larger outfits, but they have seen their readership decline, so it might be a positive that winners have more readers or a negative that winners are losing readers like everyone else.
The Pulitzers were awarded Monday, and among the winners was The Guardian, which earned the public service award for its work in reporting on the surveillance leaks from Edward Snowden. The Guardian's Roy Greenslade notes that the conservative British press has not uttered a peep about the victory.
There can be something inherent about media dismissing or ignoring other media accomplishments. Digiday's Lucia Moses notes this phenomenon in her examination of the recent wave of journalism start-ups: the publisher haters come out to play. That being said, the focus has been on a handful of start-ups led by men. Ann Friedman, writing for the Columbia Journalism Review, notes 16 female-led start-ups that deserve the same attention.